Run Jesse Run!

Professor A...

Jesse O...

and many more!

Join Professor A and Jesse O as they travel back into time to meet important figures of Black History!

Learn With Us!

You can catch our live program every week at the National Action Network Headquarters in Harlem, Saturday mornings at the Rally. Past episodes can be seen here at

Black History Is American History

Shoes To Freedom : Can You Fill Them?

Sign Up Today

Join us as we provide opportunities in theater for the formerly incarcerated via Arnold Arts.

Kwanzaa Celebration with Good Day Harlem

Black Historical figures walk with pride for the celebration.

HBCU Historical Tour

Theater for the Formerly Incarcerated tour 2024, featuring the original play “Judgment Day of Tupac”. The performance live at the House of Justice can be seen here in YouTube.

Theater for the Formerly Incarcerated

There is life in the arts for talented actors after release. Theater for the Formerly Incarcerated is now accepting applications for parolees who are interested in writing, acting, and production. More information at the website.

Holiday Cheer

A. Gregory Harris’s holiday single “Christmas In New York City” is now available on Amazon!

Garvey Studio Talent Development will be shooting projects and doing talent development at the Yanceyville studio location in NC. Send talent reels and script projects to

New Home for Garvey Studios

Remember to Vote!

voting starts this weekend

Ballot Dancer

Ballot Boxer

Suggested Websites

Fresh Start Program

Our Fresh Start Program is designed in partnership with Doug E Fresh to promote health during the pandemic.


Land Of Return

The Land Of Return is a program in development including interactive media, performance, and travel, as a part of the larger project Arnold’s World.

NAN Arts News

NAN Arts News covers highlights of  current events in arts and culture, within the National Action Network and beyond.

80th birthday celebration and book signing of the Reverend Jesse Jackson at the House of Justice. 

More about the book

Dream Shooters Commissioner Born M Allah joins the the Harlem Globe Trotters as a leading player.

About Black 2 The Future

Black 2 The Future is the brainchild of Arnold Pinnix, who leads Arts & Culture at The National Action Network. For more information, visit Arnold Arts (website coming soon).